Super Moon
Cosmic context: The Moon, like most celestial bodies, has an elliptical orbit. When it is closest to the Earth it is said to be at it's...
Bringing the Seasons
Each year, I play a little game I like to call “How Long Throughout The Winter Can I Stretch My Fresh Home Grown Food?” I am acutely...
Seed Lust
I’d put my garden beds to bed mid November last; planting bulbs for the Spring, mulching the mountains of marvelous maple leaves from my...
The First Year Without Him
It had been raining for days. Slick, cold, stay indoors kind of rain. Not the gentle mist-like rain of the northwest that caresses as you...
The Birds Will Tell You
Five years ago I took a cutting from a friend’s champagne grapevine and managed to successfully cultivate it in my front yard. Make sure...
The Last Weekend in August
I would grow corn in my garden every year, and I do, whether I ever get to eat any of it or not. Even the crows seem to know that...
Full Moon Magick
July’s Full Moon fell at 6:36 p.m. on a Sunday this year and I had a plan. I would make my own flower essence from the Evening Primrose...
It's a calling.
This is not the first lifetime I have spent as clergy. I am certain I have been a High Priestess before, and a Priest, a Monk, a Hermit,...